We are a bit slow getting this blog off the ground, but I wanted to let our followers know that our mission with this blog is to share and be transparent about the benefits, rewards, and even the headaches of being a real estate investor.
Here's one big "Super Secret Squirrel" tip: Be honest about your intentions. Always. In this biz, it's a small world. If you are great, and you make sure everybody wins, you will find that your past clients and customers will bring you more business. If you ever, ever, fail to keep your word or mis-lead a person who is doing business with you, you will most likely learn a hard lesson. We have seen this over and over with people who WE have considered partnering up with. And, note, by the way, that I said "considered."
We look forward to networking and sharing with all of our readers, and we welcome input, questions, etc.
We will HAPPILY respond to questions submitted to us either via this blog or by email.
Feel free to contact us any time: Investors@GSHomes.biz
~ Posted by JT
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